Need Top Talent? Hire iOS App Developers Today!

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Did you know that as of June 2024, the Apple App Store had over 1.9 million apps? In 2022, though, a huge number of 1.7 million apps were rejected. This shows how important quality is to Apple. With iOS capturing almost a third of the global market and leading in subscription revenue, the need for iOS development services has never been greater.

For companies to thrive in the app market, hiring expert iOS app developers is key. Building apps for iOS requires top skills and dedication not all developers have. Working with the right developers ensures your app meets Apple’s standards. This boosts user satisfaction and keeps them coming back.

Key Takeaways

  • The Apple App Store features over 1.9 million apps as of June 2024.
  • In 2022, 1.7 million apps were rejected due to quality issues.
  • iOS holds nearly one-third of the global market share.
  • Hiring skilled iOS developers ensures compliance and quality.
  • iOS development services are crucial for achieving user satisfaction and engagement.

The Increasing Demand for iOS Developers

The mobile app market was worth $106.27 billion in 2018. It’s predicted to hit $407.31 billion by 2026. While Android is big with 87%, iOS has a solid 12.5%. This shows there’s a special place for top iOS developers.

Top iOS developers

The iOS Market and App Store Challenges

Making apps that stand out in the App Store is tough. Even with strict rules, 1.7 million apps were refused in 2022. This makes skilled iOS developers more in demand. They get to focus on making quality, innovative apps that iOS users love.

Apple is always at the forefront of app innovation. For companies wanting to shine, custom iOS app development is key. Learning from MobileAppDaily’s tips on hiring mobile developers can help the hiring process go smoother.

Why iOS Development is Lucrative

Businesses like iOS because it has rich users and is known for quality apps. iOS users often pay for apps, making it a good market. The push for 5G, AI, and the cloud also makes skilled iOS developers more important.

iOS developers work with Swift and Xcode. This helps them make apps from start to finish smoothly, as seen in the ultimate guide to hiring iOS developers. This leads to apps that users love, bringing more satisfaction and use.

The need for iOS developers is growing. By 2026, we might see a 17% to 24% demand increase. Working with top iOS developers can really help businesses. They can make customer-attracting, high-quality apps. 

Core Skills Required for iOS Development

In the world of iOS app development, having the right skills is key. Professionals need to know different technologies in the iOS world. Here’s what you need to stand out in this area.

Proficiency in Swift and Objective-C

Knowing Swift and Objective-C is basic for iOS app development. Swift is preferred today because of its easy readability and features. But, Objective-C is still used for older apps.

Understanding these lets developers make strong apps. They must know about object-oriented programming and organizing data to handle app tasks well.

Expert iOS app programmers

Importance of Xcode Mastery

Knowing Xcode really well is vital for top-notch iOS developers. Xcode, Apple’s IDE, offers tools for app building. It includes editors, simulators, and debuggers.

Xcode helps in smooth and effective app development. It makes adding features, controlling sources, and improving app performance easier. For crucial Xcode tips, see this great article on iOS developer essentials.

Essential Complementary Skills

Other than languages and IDE, there are key skills for iOS app success. These skills include:

  • UI/UX Design Experience: Making interfaces that users love and find easy to use.
  • Core Data: Essential for saving and managing app data smartly.
  • Testing and Debugging: Testing apps thoroughly to ensure they’re reliable and fast.
  • Version Control with Git: Using Git for smooth code management and team work.

These extra skills help iOS developers make great apps. They ensure the apps meet standards and user needs. To learn more, find insights in this guide on iOS developer careers.

Core Skill Description Average Salary
Swift Proficiency Mastering Apple’s modern programming language, Swift, for iOS app development. $95,000 – $130,000
Objective-C Knowledge Maintaining and updating older codebases that were built using Objective-C. $90,000 – $125,000
Xcode Expertise Utilizing Apple’s IDE for coding, debugging, and testing applications efficiently. $85,000 – $120,000
UI/UX Design Crafting user experiences and interfaces that are intuitive and engaging. $80,000 – $115,000
Core Data Proficiency Managing data within apps using Apple’s Core Data framework. $70,000 – $110,000
Git Version Control Managing code versions and collaborating with teams using Git. $80,000 – $115,000

Hire iOS App Developers: What to Look For

In the world of mobile app development, finding skilled iOS developers is key. They should be good at both Swift and Objective-C, Apple’s top programming languages. Swift is known for being easy to read, while Objective-C is great for big projects.

Knowing how to use Xcode is also important. Xcode helps developers make apps for Apple devices. If they can work well with designers, your app will look great and feel easy to use.

It’s critical that developers understand Apple’s hardware and software. This includes making sure apps work well with iOS features like push notifications. They should also know how to keep your app secure if it needs login info.

iOS apps are often preferred over Android because they keep users coming back. In countries like the USA and Japan, lots of people use Apple devices. This makes creating iOS apps a smart move.

When hiring, keep in mind that many startups find developers through friends. You can use platforms like Fiverr and Upwork to find good candidates. Look at their work history and what other clients say to pick the right person. Learning these hiring tips will make your search easier.

Finally, the best iOS developers do more than write code. They might help with the app’s operation and services too. Focus on finding developers with these skills. They can help turn your app idea into reality.

Identifying High-Quality iOS Developers

Finding top-notch iOS developers means looking at their skills closely. This includes their technical knowledge, how they solve problems, and what they’ve done before. To pick the best, we must review their expertise carefully.

Evaluating Technical Expertise

It’s key to check a developer’s tech savvy for our iOS app services. They must be skilled in Swift and Objective-C and know Xcode well. Their ability to handle web APIs, work with memory wisely, and make apps run better is crucial. They must also be familiar with functional programming and how to use push notifications.

Assessing Problem-Solving Abilities

Top iOS devs stand out by solving tough problems creatively. We look for those who handle challenges with innovation. Their knack for overcoming unexpected issues ensures our project’s success. This skill boosts the quality of our iOS app development work.

Checking Past Project Experience

A great way to judge a developer’s excellence is their project history. Examining what they’ve done before can show their contributions to successful apps. It’s important to find developers with a solid record of creating apps that follow Apple’s criteria. This gives us confidence in hiring them, knowing they’ve done outstanding work.

Benefits of Hiring Dedicated iOS Developers

Hiring dedicated iOS developers can offer a lot to businesses. They bring expertise in Apple’s world, making your app work smoothly on Apple devices. Working with them can boost your app’s quality. And understanding the benefits of hiring them from around the world is key. This helps you get top talent while saving money.

Why Hiring Offshore iOS Developers Makes Sense

Hiring offshore developers opens the door to many skilled people. They often come at better prices than local developers. This is great if you’re a startup or a small business that needs to watch its budget. With global talent, you can build your app faster and make sure it’s top-notch.

Working with an iOS App Development Company

Choosing a company like Wonderment Apps can make hiring easier. They offer a full range of services to support your project. This includes help with finding the right people and ongoing support. Plus, you get access to varied skills and advice from experienced professionals. Working with them can help your app be a star in the market.


Why should we hire iOS app developers?

Hiring iOS app developers brings a wealth of expertise to the table. They create top-notch iOS apps that Apple’s App Store loves. Good developers make sure users are happy and hooked on the app.

What makes iOS development lucrative?

The iOS market is rich, commanding a large part of the app market. It’s big in the US and excels in app innovation and quality. This makes it a great choice for those looking to boost their app income.

What core skills are required for iOS development?

For iOS work, you need to be fluent in Swift and Objective-C. You also need to be a pro with Xcode. Plus, skills like Core Data and unit testing are vital. Knowing Apple’s UI/UX rules is key too.

What should we look for when hiring dedicated iOS developers?

Look for iOS developers who have worked extensively with Xcode. They should be able to handle both front and back-end tasks. Understanding Apple’s tech and ensuring security in their work is a must.

How can we identify high-quality iOS developers?

The top iOS developers stand out with their skills in Swift, Objective-C, and Xcode. Check their past projects, problem-solving, and how well they follow Apple’s rules. Their success in launching apps shows their strength.

What are the benefits of hiring dedicated iOS developers?

Hiring iOS experts ensures you get top-tier skills and work quality. It lets your project grow as needed, with help from seasoned pros. This is especially true when working with app development companies.

Why should we consider hiring offshore iOS developers?

Going offshore broadens your talent search and can be cost-effective. Developers from other countries provide fresh insights and skills. This can boost your app’s innovation and quality.

What are the advantages of working with an iOS app development company?

iOS app dev companies offer end-to-end help, from finding experts to ongoing help. They have processes that speed up hiring and guarantee code quality. You also get to benefit from their wide-ranging skills and advice.